Digital ID (AGDIS) Data Standards
Why we want your input?
The Australian Government has released a consultation draft of the proposed Digital ID (Australian Government Digital ID System) Data Standards (AGDIS Data Standards).
The AGDIS Data Standards are composed of 4 related elements:
• Information related to the legal interpretation of the Standards,
• Specifications for how to connect to the AGDIS,
• Specifications for authentication and verification in the AGDIS, and
• Specifications relating to Attributes used in the AGDIS.
The AGDIS Data Standards outline the rules participants need to satisfy when joining or participating in the AGDIS. Doing so will ensure AGDIS participants unlock the benefits of digital ID for their customers.
We want to hear from you on the AGDIS Data Standards.
How you can voice your opinion?
After reading the information below and the accompanying documents, submit your details and upload your document.
You may like to structure your submission around the key consultation information included in Your guide to the Digital ID (AGDIS) Data Standards under Relevant Documentation below, as well as any other general comments you would like to include.
A template for providing feedback, including all the relevant consultation questions is available below for you to download and fill out.
To provide general feedback on the AGDIS Data Standards, please refer to Attachment A of the Consultation Feedback form. For more detailed feedback, please use Attachment B, C and D of the Consultation Feedback form.
What will be the outcome of this consultation?
Your response will inform any refinements to draft the AGDIS Data Standards before they are made by the Minister for Finance and registered as a legislative instrument on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.
What will happen to my information?
Submissions on the AGDIS Data Standards will not be published or made publicly available but may be included in a general summary.
Data will be kept private and secured, and stored on encrypted drives or computers, protected by passwords and firewalls.
For more information, see the Australian Privacy Principle 5 notice at the end of this page.
What's in the AGDIS Data Standards?
The AGDIS Data Standards outline the technical, data and design requirements for accredited entities and relying parties to participate in the AGDIS. Note that for accredited entities, the AGDIS Data Standards apply in addition to the Digital ID (Accreditation) Rules and Digital ID (Accreditation) Data Standards.
The requirements to participate in the AGDIS that are set out in 3 schedules (outlined below) ensure accredited Digital ID service providers and relying parties can communicate securely and reliably.
The 3 schedules build on requirements that were used in the Trusted Digital Identity Framework(TDIF) (which was a precursor to the Accreditation Scheme in the Digital ID Act 2024). The AGDIS Data Standards also include definitions and refer to international standards used in the AGDIS Data Standards.
Schedules in the AGDIS Data Standards define requirements for accredited Attribute Service Providers, Identity Service Providers and Identity
Exchange Providers seeking to participate in the AGDIS and guidance for relying parties seeking to participate in the AGDIS.
- Schedule 1 presents the AGDIS Onboarding specifications. Outlining the high-level functional requirements for accredited participants, this schedule is based off TDIF 06 Functional Onboarding Requirements.
- Schedule 2 outlines the AGDIS OpenID Connect profile and ensures services know how to securely communicate with each other, provide authentication services, and share attributes. This schedule is based off the TDIF 06B OpenID Connect 1.0 profile.
- Schedule 3 describes the AGDIS Attribute Profile. The attribute profile outlines how data being transmitted across the AGDIS must be structured, ensuring participants know how to transmit data and how they will be receiving it.
The publication, Your Guide to the Digital ID (AGDIS) Data Standards summarises the differences between the current TDIF and the AGDIS Data Standards.
Relevant documentation
This survey and the submission of feedback to the Department of Finance (Finance) is voluntary. Any personal and sensitive information included in your responses to form questions and your submission will be collected by Finance and is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). Please do not provide personal information relating to other people unless you have sought their consent to do so.
This information is being collected by Finance as part of consultation activities on the Digital ID (AGDIS) Data Standards 2024. The feedback and personal information collected in this form will be used to refine draft data standards. The information provided in your submissions may also be analysed by third party certified service provider artificial intelligence software to inform analysis of feedback themes across submissions. Third parties who contract with Finance are contractually bound to protect personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
The personal information collected in this survey may be used to contact you for further information about your feedback. If you’ve consented, Finance will retain your contact details which may be used to communicate with you about Digital ID in the future.
Your submission to the Digital ID AGDIS Data Standards may be published on the website unless stated otherwise by you in the survey. If you wish for your submission on the to be published but to remain anonymous, or for your submission not to be published, please tick the appropriate box when completing the form. Finance will not use or disclose the personal information collected in this form for another purpose without your consent unless required or authorised by law.
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