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This guidance material has been created by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) as the Digital ID Regulator under the Digital ID Act 2024. 

Download Applying for accreditation: Guidance for organisations seeking to become accredited in Australia’s Digital ID System PDF 543KB

The purpose of this guidance is to:

  • assist organisations that are interested in applying to be an accredited Digital ID service provider with lodging a valid application for accreditation.

  • explain the legal framework governing Australia’s Digital ID System, and how the ACCC assesses applications for accreditation.

  • provide information for already accredited entities on how to add, vary or remove conditions and/or vary, suspend or revoke accreditation and includes an overview of compliance obligations.

The ACCC may update this guidance periodically. Organisations should ensure they are reading the latest version of this guidance by checking the version number within the PDF above.

Once you have read the guidance materials, all the forms required to apply for voluntary accreditation can be found here.
Information on the Australian Digital ID Trustmark and how to use it.